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Who is an IT specialist and how to become one - read my blog
Welcome to my IT blog. My name is Daniel, and I’ve been in IT for over 10 years.
A little bit about me:
I’ve been in the IT field since 2010. I studied to be a programmer, worked as a website developer for large companies, eventually learned how to create software products. I have a wealth of knowledge in almost all areas of IT. And also, created his own authoring course for programmers.
A little about the specialty and directions:
“IT professional” is a term that combines professions ranging from computer assembly and computer network configuration to space industry software development and cybersecurity.
Developers or programmers are IT professionals who develop websites, games, computer programs, mobile applications, and Web services using programming languages (JavaScript, Java, Python, C++, and others).
Testers are IT specialists who implement the requirements for the development and operation of an IT project in order to avoid bugs and stop new bugs from appearing. The goal of a tester’s job is to find problems in a site or application and pass the information on to developers to fix those bugs.
IT designers are also IT people. They help developers visualize the project, define the client interface of the future project.
To start a career as a designer in IT you do not need to be a certified artist, be gifted from birth or have an understanding of the subtleties of classical and contemporary art. The main condition is to want to create cool websites, mobile applications and games for the user.
Now you have an idea of the IT professions. You can read more on my blog. Enjoy reading it!
What programming language should I choose?
The easiest programming languages to learn are usually called Python, JavaScript, Ruby, Java, C#.
If you decide to learn one of them, be prepared for a lot of competition, because of the simplicity of these languages known not only to you.
However, I advise to focus not on the programming language, and on the area of development, which you want to realize yourself and which will be interesting to you.
If you want to create beautiful and effective web pages with user logic – choose FrontEnd development direction and study JavaScript + HTML and CSS layout languages and related technologies.
Do I need to know math?
If you are going to realize yourself in the scientific field, or in such IT fields as machine learning and deep learning, Data Science, Big Data, development of artificial intelligence, then you can’t do without higher mathematics. This is exactly the case when it is necessary to know and apply the mathematical apparatus to the maximum to develop complex algorithms and systems that work with huge amounts of data.
How much do I study to become a programmer?
It depends on the chosen specialty and the method of training. The fastest way to learn programming is in courses, because you learn all the necessary techniques in a compact and structured way. There is also a mentor above you, who does not let you relax, maintaining discipline and helping when necessary.
By choosing self-study you will increase the time of mastering an IT-profession, as you will be choosing your own curriculum, making up a lesson plan and selecting information resources. Moreover, it will be very difficult to maintain motivation, which is fraught with procrastination, and as a consequence, you run the risk of “abandoning” the studies without achieving the desired goal.
The computational model of Prolog-programs is based on the calculus of predicates…
At the beginning of their career, not every programmer understands what format…
The novice developer often does not think about what the program is for and how…
The world of high technology does not stand still, so the programmer must quickly adapt to its current state. It follows that the most important quality of a programmer is his desire and ability to self-learn.
To become a sought-after IT professional, you need to know and know a lot, educate yourself, and devote enough time to it.
Developed by
No project in the field of information technology can do without the work of a developer – a programmer who creates various products in IT: computer games, mobile applications, websites, etc. The specifics of a developer’s activity depend entirely on the chosen direction.
No matter what direction the programmer chooses, everywhere he will need commitment, perseverance, curiosity, resistance to stress and analytical mind.