

Start your way in IT: 13 tips from the old-timers

Start your way in IT: 13 tips from the old-timers The IT world has been beckoning you for a long time, but you’re a little scared to try a new field? Or are you already on the path of IT and are taking the first difficult steps? Tip 1: Ask! Perhaps the first and very …...

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How to get orders on the freelance exchange?

How to get orders on the freelance exchange? Freelancing is becoming more and more popular, every year new freelancing exchanges appear. All work on the exchanges is based on the same logic: the client places an order, the freelancer submits an application for performance. If both parties are satisfied with the cost and timing, they...

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How does a freelancer work on multiple jobs?

How does a freelancer work on multiple jobs? Many freelancers partly try to take and work on several orders at once. In this case, not everyone is good at completing at least one of the selected orders, deadlines are often missed, the work is of poor quality and as a consequence, the client is dissatisfied. …...

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What is most difficult for a developer and what to do about it

What is most difficult for a developer and what to do about it The novice developer often does not think about what the program is for and how it will be used in the future. For many, the focus is on meeting code quality standards rather than on how the code will be used in …...

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How does a programmer find his dream company?

How does a programmer find his dream company? At the beginning of their career, not every programmer understands what format of work suits them. As a result, they often change jobs until they find the ideal company. Where and why is it better to work – in a small startup, in a company that creates …...

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The best sites to download free Android apps

The best sites to download free Android apps Smartphones allow us to do many things with apps. They allow us to play music or videos, take pictures of landscapes and set alarms. Thus, you can always refer to the list of the best Android app download sites below to find this or that app for …...

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Software assurance and quality control

Software assurance and quality control In the process of developing a software product it is important to comply with a number of requirements to ensure the quality of the program.But what exactly is the quality of the program? After all, “quality” can be understood in different ways. Let’s consider together with you...

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Computational model of Prolog programs

Computational model of Prolog programs The computational model of Prolog-programs is based on the calculus of predicates, which is a mathematical apparatus that allows representing almost any knowledge. For example, the article describes a block of knowledge on constructing towers from planes, parallelepipeds, cylinders and other...

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C++ programmers underestimate simple mistakes

C++ programmers underestimate simple mistakes Ask an abstract C++ programmer what are the most common errors and you’re likely to hear: null pointers, division by zero, undefined behavior, array overruns, uninitialized variables. But this has little to do with reality. They are rather a set of errors we’ve all heard of or...

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uTorrent – what is the popularity of the torrent program?

uTorrent – what is the popularity of the torrent program? At the moment, uTorrent remains one of the most popular and downloadable programs in the world. In this article, let’s examine what its popularity is, its pros and cons. The main reason for the popularity of the program, of course, is the ability to download …...

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